This tenth doctor special sees the Doctor Who pop into the Syrtis Major branch of Waterstones to pick up a Haynes manual on the Type 40 Tardis and he's browsing but keeps getting distracted by silly scribbled notes from staff about their favourite books and he only wants that book and a Gordon Ramsay cookbook, but the stickers say buy two get one free so he feels obliged to look for something else, even though he doesn't want it, and idle people are just lounging around in the sofas so he nearly trips over their feet or doing their homework at the tables like it is a library for chrissakes, or sitting drinking their poncy lattes from a Costa which has materialised inside the shop and then when he comes to pay the staff seem to be too busy shuffling books or something so he has a breakdown and throws the blimmin' books in the air and runs around screaming and pulling books off the shelves and saying he has the right because he's THE ONLY ONE LEFT and so they call the police and the Doctor Who gets sectioned and put away leaving John and Gillian to play havoc with the Tardis and Susan without a grandfather in any real sense of the word. Clearly a fresh degeneration could not be far away.
Archivist: Suthers
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