Coke Head from Space

The first adventure for one of the most popular incarnations of The Doctor Who, Frank Bough.

The Doctor Who discovers that the TARDIS has been disabled by the BBC as punishment for past indiscretions involving car key parties and an exotic substance that goes by the name of Charlie.

Meanwhile: the Nestle Consciousness is using monsters made out of chocolate to take over the world. The Doctor Who enlists the aid of the Milky Bar Kid in defeating the sweet tasting foe. As The Doctor Who fights the terrifyingly lethargic Nestle Consciousness, the Milky Bar Kid melts it with a hair dryer. Oh, and this poacher finds a Terry’s Chocolate Orange but he hides it away and doesn’t share any with his wife, greedy pig.

The Milky Bar Kid stays on as the new The Doctor Who’s assistant.

Archivist: Garr

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