Doctor Who and the Web 2.0 Planet

The Doctor Who the first returns to Vortis to find the insect lowlife busy building applications for a new idea called the Intergnat. (They realise their previous attempt in the Sixties was overambitious, coming at least 30 years too early.) But now the Menoptera are excitedly designing new interactive websites, wikis, blogs, online stores and video sites while their mischievous chums the Zarbis dump heaps of spam across the universe. Their next challenge is to create antisocial networks, though they have trouble trying to create a forum as bitchy as ones set up for the time traveller's fans. The Doctor Who wants to play at Second Life but a command over the space-time visualiser orders him to wait until he degenerates. The Doctor Who has a tantrum, stamps his feet and cries "shan't, shan't, shan't". Then with an evil twinkle in hie eye, and a swiftly-muttered "Have I the right?", he infects the network with a virus and reboots the planet into the recycle bin.

Archivist: Suthers

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