Doctor Who and the Moonbase of Doom

With the Doctor Who (1) long out of the picture, the Doctor Who (2) is becoming increasingly embarrassed by the continued presence of John and Gillian on the ship. He hatches a plan with Ian, Barbara, Susan, Ben, Polly and Jamie to ditch them at the next stop. The Doctor Who tricks the children by promising them a stick of rock and lands the Tardis in the rockiest crater he can find on the Moon. The Doctor Who spots that the tracking-station-type Moonbase there is hosting a reception for his old friends the Clangermen. This time the Clangermen have had a makeover from Tinny and Sue Spanner, to make them look like silver versions of the Black and White Minstrels. What's more, they have ditched the Halfords headlamps and no longer talk like Robert Peston off of BBC news. They are also carrying much smaller accordians. The first Clangermen to arrive pass out when the Soup Dragon is a little too generous with the cocktails. But when their metal friends turn up, the Doctor Who makes up for the booboo by teaching them how to fly off into space to invade other planets. Party over, the Doctor Who sets off for the macrame class at Butlins, but fails to notice that John and Gillian have sneaked back aboard the Tardis...

Archivist: Suthers

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