John and Gillian are being a nuisance once again, the little brats, so the Doctor Who the first offers to build them a snowman. He takes them to the South Pole and spots that the Moonbase-type tracking station there has been invaded by Clangers with Halfords lamps stuck on their heads and, oddly, all playing accordians. Doctor Who grabs one of the accordians and starts playing "I Don't Like Mondas" in a tribute to the Boom Town rats who he realises he will meet during his ninth incarnation. The Clangermen react in fury and the Doctor Who decides he will have to commit genocide once again and destroy them with the Z-Cars bomb that Inspector Watt gave him in a timey-wimey thing when he was/will be the Doctor Who the fifth. Unfortunately he slips over during detonation, making his body go all funny. The celluloid goes all funny too, as if the wrong chemicals have been added to the developer mix like in a rare slipping of BBC production standards.
Archivist: Suthers
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