Doctor Who and the Planet of the Deaf

The Doctor Who (10) mislays the fluid link once again, rendering the Tardis inoperational, and so has to catch a bus across the city to visit his best friend Captain Jack. To his horror, he realises he has boarded the wrong bus and his double-decker has been taken over by evil "pop" stars Cliff Richard and the Shadows Proclamation for a summer holiday. The Doctor Who chats up a tasty girl passenger off of EastEnders and some American Bionic Girl-type ****nstuff to take his mind off the horrible singing. Just as the Doctor Who thinks he is getting past first base, the bus disappears through a rip in the space-time continuum, like you do, and emerges on the planet Dubai. But Cliff and his crew are determined to continuing ruining everyone's trip and continue with their barrage of noise. The peace-loving Dubaibians are appalled by the assault on their senses and gouge out their own eardrums!!! The Doctor Who tells them "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." The Dubaibians reply "What did you say?". Doctor Who replies: "I SAID, I'M SORRY, I'M SO SORRY!" The Dubaibians reply: "We're sorry?" "NO!" replies the Doctor Who, "I'M THE ONE WHO'S SORRY, SO SORRY!!" before escaping for another escapade.

Archivist: Suthers

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