The Doctor Who and the Return of the Attack of the 4,5,6 of Death.

Richard returns to the 4,5,6 mothership with one tenth of the Earth's children in tow. "What the bloody hell did you bring them back with you for?" asks an irate Janet, tentacles waving angrily in the mist. "I need friends" says Richard, "you and Miles are acting all grown up and I need someone to play with". "You're such a child!" says Janet, and goes back to reading Just Seventeen magazine. "Well I am only eleven" says Richard and then suddenly pukes up. Janet's magazine lowers and her eyes peer angrily over the top (on their stalks). Richard smiles sheepishly, "I had too much Earth jelly" he admits. "Clean it up and if one of those kids scrawls on the mothership walls with crayons like the ones from the 60's did I'm dumping you all off on the surface of Midnight" warns Janet.

Archivist: Garr

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