The Doctor Who and the Children of Gallifrey

Gwen's got it wrong. Typical girl. FAIL! The Doctor Who never turned away in shame. He just never knew about it, right, cos the time-space visualiser was on the blink again and anyway Martha Jones never phoned him up cos she was too busy getting all loved up on her honeymoon, silly bitch. Doh! FAIL! And the Doctor Who is kicking himself cos he knows he's missed a trick here and had his best chance yet to get rid of John and Gillian. TRIPLE FAIL! But then the Doctor Who has a wicked thought and decides he can reset the coordinates and go back in time and get together with the 4,5,6 and see if he can pass John and Gillian off as quality stuff, like sort of Gallifreyan Gold. And OK that might be breaking the rules, interfering with events, fixed point in time and all that but WTF! And the Doctor Who gets to the mother ship and the 4,5,6 are all lolling about and like totally out of it and passing around the kids and it is impossible to have a proper conversation. And the 4,5,6 start giggling and one of them thinks he's a tree. But then it gets nasty cos one of the 4,5,6 who's a bit of a bully accuses Kevin, who's slumped against the opposite hull, of bogarting that kid and it like totally ruins the party atmosphere and the Doctor Who decides to come back another time for John and Gillian's "innoculations".
To be continued!

Archivist: Suthers

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