Spoilers and Speculation

This is the first of an occasional discussion of things that may or may not have been in the Doctor Who.

Madame Kovarian - Is she the bastard lovechild of Davros and Ian Chesterton?

Madman Davros-ian!!!
It may sound far-fetched, but just think about the evidence for a minute. The first five letters of Kovarian, K,O,V,A,R are an amazing anagram of Davros, except for the spare K, plus the D and S being missing. And what are we left with? I,A,N, which is an anagram of Ian (Chesterton). Intriguingly, Madame sounds very much like Madman (in a box).

Anyone else notice this series of remarkable coincidences that are too remarkable to have been coincidences?

Archivist: Suthers


  1. Even Freud said that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar but not in this case. In this case the cigar is a smoking gun and the gun is in Moffat's hand and the gun is pointed at us, the television audience, and the bullets the gun fires are made of pure compelling and easily digested narrative!

    I for one can't wait for Steve to pull the trigger.

    1. You make a very salient point Mr Bugger. And it is now impossible to read her name as anything other than Madman Davrosian. As Steve indicated, it was hidden in plain sight. Hidden in plain sight!! HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT, I TELL YOU!!!
