Snaky Dance

Of all the companions ever it is Tegan who has been most eager to fly the TARDIS and tonight Matthew(?) she does, taking the gang to Manumission where her ne'er do well chum O'Mara is doing a 'set' on the 'decks' (young adult speak for putting long players on the gramophone). There's a rich bloke with big ears called Lonny whose Nintendo Wii is broken so he gets bored and just lays around on the chaise longue all day being rude to his mother. He's delighted when Tegan and O'Mara show up with their decks as it gives him an opportunity to take substances from E Space and imagine he enjoys the company of working class people for a while. Meanwhile, the whole Geordie anomaly thing is getting old but what can you do? There he is again, spotting the old anomalies, fixing them, making everything grand. We'll miss him when he's gone.

Archivist: Garr

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