Doctor Who versus the District Nurse.

At last, what the audience of the eighties were demanding! A Doctor Who / District Nurse crossover!

The evil O'Mara (nasty sort, drinks a bit, has a van filled with old cables, buckets of dried out paint, torn mattresses, rolls a tarpaulin, always has a roll up cigarette hanging from his mouth, you've probably seen him) is a bad influence on Tegan.

Meanwhile, all the District Nurse's mates start playing soldiers and building forts and that, even though they are grown ups!!! Then someone dreams about this wind up alarm clock, ...or maybe they all dream about the clock, I'm not sure. Anyway, then a massive toy snake shows up and it can't stand its own reflection because it looks so unrealistic and that's 'kinda' embarrassing.

Elsewhere, Geordie tells Juliet Bravo about an anomaly but she has no idea what he's talking about, gives him a cup of tea, drives him home, and it's grand.

Archivist: Garr

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