The Doctor Who the ninth and his girlfriend Rose stop off at Sky TV's Satellite Five with their new companion, Ben Chatham off of Corrie, to buy some chips in the canteen. The Doctor Who pops up to the boardroom to discover that evil Earth leader John Prescott has evolved into the Mighty Two-Jagsrafess and is controlling the space station in a bid to get revenge on Chumbawamba, creator of the Chumblies, for his earlier drenching. The Doctor Who tells Rose that they must escape but Ben has been held up getting a microchip fitted so he doesn't get lost. They flee just in time. But being all loved-up like, the Doctor Who fail to spot on the space-time visualiser that Chumbawamba has assembled a vast fleet of Chumblies spaceships and is preparing to invade.
Archivist: Suthers
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