Doctor Who and the Riddle of Galaxy Five*

(*The Doctor-Lite episode)

One day, a young squirrel was sitting on his very favourite branch in Nuttywood, wearing his brightest yellow underpants and nibbling his nuts as if he didn't have a care in the world. His name was Edward but everyone called him Silly Squirrel because he often didn't know whether he was coming or going. Mummy Squirrel used to say to him: "You'd forget your bushy tail one day, if it wasn't firmly attached by a system of joints or a muscle or something!" Despite this, Silly Squirrel could be quite bright. One day he was walking past the Nuttywood Centre of Astrophysics and he couldn't help overhearing the brainy professors inside debating the nature of a particular type of galaxy which, while spiral in form, has an unusually active interior. They were known as Seyfert Galaxies after the very, very clever man who invented them. "Hello," said Silly Squirrel. "I couldn't help but overhear your discussion. I think you'll find that the reason these spiral galaxies are so highly active in their centres is because they contain supermassive black holes!" "By Jove," said one of the professors. "I think you're onto something and we'll have to go and update Wikipedia right away! You've saved us months of research, Edward - and you're not such a Silly Squirrel after all!!"

Archivist: Suthers

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