The Doctor Who and the Planet of the S***e Posts

The Doctor Who arrives back on the World Wide Web planet of Vortis to discover Zarbi and Menoptra adopting pseudonyms and plugged into the Animus where they talk utter s***e.

Zarbi Republic says: I pass a place called Pond Villas on my way to work every morning. I wonder if Amy Pond lives there. LOL.

Then Menoptraboptra says: The TARDIS is pretty big. Who keeps it clean? I can't even keep my car clean. LOL.

Then Zarbi Republic says: There are plenty of threads about cars on the car forum, there is no need to start threads about cars here.

So Menoptraboptra says: I wasn't really talking about cars I was talking about the TARDIS being clean. This is the TARDIS part of the forum is it not?

And Zarbi Republic goes: Yes it is the TARDIS part of the forum but you should be on the RETARDIS part of the forum. LMFAO.

So Menoptraboptra says: You can't talk to me like that. It is against forum rules.

And Zarbi Republic retorts: Back seat moderator eh? Who died and made you Animus?

And then Menoptraboptra goes: I wish you'd die.

But then, all of a sudden, some guy called Giant Ant Canoe Head Ballet Tights Camera Basher comes on and says: I think Doctor Who should be cancelled and you are both Timetards.

And then the Animus comes along and says: Enough. I'm locking this thread.

So then The Doctor Who finds another thread of the Web upon which Menoptra and Zarbi are discussing who would win in a fight, Predator or Mr.T., And that thread gets a bit heated and someone infers that someone else is a Holocaust denier and The Doctor Who sighs and logs off.

Archivist: Garr

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