Doctor Who and the Planet of the Potatoes

The Doctor Who the first lands on a peculiar world which appears devoid of life other than a few green plants. Susan trips on one of the plants, spraining that godamned ankle again, but disturbing the earth to reveal the mysterious hidden Potatoes. Ian cautiously clears away more dirt to reveal more of the strange Potatoes. Clearly there must be thousands if not millions of Potatoes lurking just out of sight beneath the planet's surface. The Doctor Who waits for the Potatoes to make their move but they appear to be too clever for him as they maintain their total inaction. The Doctor Who realises that he must, once again, resort to genocide and after muttering "have I the right" cooks up a huge pile of chips, roasties and wedges which Ian and Barbara tuck into with gusto.

Archivist: Suthers

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