Doctor Who and the Daleksia of the Dyslex

Having won 3-2-1 (as chronicled earlier) the Daleks set out on a mission to rule the TV contests. They have limited success on Catchphrase ("It's good but it's not right." "Exterminate!") but go on Countdown and do well in the numbers game with Carol Voord woman but are hopeless on the words and break down in floods of tears. They explain to Richard Whitely that they have always been hopeless with words and go on to spout some stuff about "My spelling is impaired, I cannot write" or some such bollocks. But then a ltitle caoxing rveeals taht it is a deep set porbelm taht the poor Dlakes hvae bttlaed to cnqouer -- dlsyxeia -- and all cderit to them for gtetnig so far dspetie all the epexctattoins of sicoety wcihh fials to reailse taht smoe pepole are haepmred by a fauilre to recnogisie the odrer of lteters. And Doctor Who the whatever puts everything right and then fckus off up the vortex.

Archivist: Suthers

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