Doctor Who and the (C)Rap Planet Innit

The Doctor Who (4) arrives on the planet Rap where the Tardis's automatic translation circuits are put under enormous strain.

Doctor Who: I travel da universe through time and space
People's always sayin' I ain't never got the same face
But I is always savin da human race
Cos I is the Doctor*

I got dem Chumblies and Clangermen beat
Even my own Time Lord mates is just dead meat
But now I gotta welcome the Trods' invasion fleet
Cos I is the Doctor

Ambassador: Is you lookin at my pint?
Is you lookin at my pint?
Is you lookin at my pint?
Cos if you is, you better not

Doctor Who: Now don't worry bro, don't get all demonic
Cos I is the Doctor Who and I is iconic
Just pour me a screwdriver, but make sure it's sonic!
Cos I is the Doctor

* Clumsy shorthand for Doctor Who introduced by poncy the Doctor Who the third.

Archivist: Suthers

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