The Doctor Who the first confesses to Barbara that he has a problem, telling her "Honey, I shrunk the Tardis." She rewards him with a slap for his familiarity while Ian follows up with a dead leg for his foolishness. The two teachers help the old buffer hobble out into a garden wilderness where they battle slugs, ants and Dalek Rolykins. The Doctor Who tries to poison Barbara with insecticide for slapping him but she gets her revenge by washing him and Susan down the plughole. Honour restored all round, they set off for Earth to catch their old friends the non-Rolykin Daleks on their courtesy visit (see above).
Production note: The title of this episode, sometimes erroneously given as Planet of the Giants, was a foreshadowing-type homagey thing to the Doctor Who number five who would soon be spending time on James "Zoe" Heriot's farm with his arm up a cow's backside, desperately trying to retrieve his wristwatch.
Archivist: Suthers
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